DoorDash calculates delivery fees based on the distance between the restaurant/store and the delivery address. The pricing is as follows:
Deliveries within a 5-mile radius
Base Fee: $7.35
Deliveries beyond a 5-mile radius
Base Fee for first 5 miles: $7.35
Additional Fee: $0.78 per mile for each mile over 5 miles.
For example:
For a 5.5-mile delivery:
$7.35 for the first 5 miles
$0.78 for the additional 0.5 miles
Total Fee: $7.35 + $0.7875 = $8.1375 (rounded to $8.14
Important Notes:
The actual distance for delivery is measured in meters, and the prorated additional fee is based on the precise distance.
NOTE - DoorDash measures the delivery distance in meters and prorates the "per mile" fee according to the actual distance
If you have questions or need assistance, please reach out to our support team.