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May 30, 2024

Business Manager -, POS -

Written by Support Turnsapp
Updated over a week ago

In Business Manager (

  • PDF and CSV Download Fix: We've resolved the issues preventing successful PDF and CSV downloads across all lists, ensuring you can now export data without any hassle.

  • Mini Invoice Feature: When creating a service order, you can now open the Mini Invoice, streamlining your workflow and providing quick access to essential information.

  • Customer Address Improvement: We've enhanced the process of adding customer addresses, making it more accurate and user-friendly.

  • Marketing Report Option: Added a reporting feature in the marketing section, allowing you to gain more insights about your campaigns directly within the Business Manager.

In POS (

  • Retail Order Calculation Fix: Addressed the calculation issues in retail order creation, ensuring precise and reliable totals for every transaction.

  • Notification Popup Design: The notification popup design has been improved for a more intuitive and aesthetically pleasing user experience.

  • Blank Screen Fixes: Fixed the blank screen issues occurring on the order detail screen and during the edit order time, providing a smoother and uninterrupted user experience.

In Mobile App:

  • PDF Download Option: Added a feature to download PDFs on the order detail page, offering users greater flexibility to view and manage their invoices.

  • Info Icon for Item Details: Introduced an info icon next to items, allowing users to easily access detailed information about item prices and any applicable upcharges.

Driver App

  • Create Pickup Request: We've added the option for drivers to create pickup requests directly within the app, enhancing their ability to manage and respond to customer needs more efficiently.

Updating to the latest versions will ensure you have access to all new features and improvements, providing a smoother and more efficient user experience.

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