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How Can I Create Packages?
How Can I Create Packages?

Creating packages allows for streamlined shipping and efficient handling of products for customers.

Written by Support Turnsapp
Updated over a week ago

Creating Packages:

  1. Access Turns Business Manager: Log in to the Turns Business Manager using your authorized credentials.

  2. Navigation: Navigate to Products & Services in the main menu and then select the Laundry Packages option from the dropdown menu to access the List.

  3. Creating a Package:

  • Click on the "+" icon to create a new package.

  • In the “Assign Package to Customer” dialogue box, complete the required fields including:

a.Services: Utilize the dropdown menu to select the desired service.

b.Package: Provide a distinctive name for the package.

c.Usage: Specify the maximum utilization threshold for the package.

d.Package Unit: Determine the unit of measurement for the package, choosing from options such as Lbs, Qty, or Costumes.

e.Pickup: Opt for either a Weekly or Alternative pickup schedule.

f.Duration: Choose the duration of the package from the available dropdown options.

g.Amount: Input the monetary amount associated with the respective package.

h.Description: Furnish a brief overview of the package's contents and benefits.

j.Status: Use the dropdown menu to designate the visibility status of the package, allowing it to be either displayed or hidden.

i.Priority: Assign a numerical value denoting the urgency level of the package.

4. Confirm and Finalize: Click on “Create” to finalize the process.

5. Confirmation and Review: Once completed, you will see the updated list with the newly created package.

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