Creating Routes in Business Manager:
Access Turns Business Manager: Log in to the Turns Business Manager using your authorized credentials.
Navigation: Navigate to Routes section from the main menu and then select Routes option to access the Route List.
Accessing Route Creation Page: Click on “Create Route”, denoted by the orange color tab.
Entering Route Information: In the Create Route page, fill out the necessary fields:
a. Route Name: Enter the name of the route.
b. Store Name: Select the name of the store from the dropdown options.
c. Route Start Time: Set the start time of the route.
d. Route End Time: Set the end time of the route.
e. Route Days: Select the day(s) for which you want to create the route.
f. Route for: Choose the purpose of the route.
g. Driver Name: Select the driver from the dropdown options.
h. Route Type: Specify the type of route, such as pickup, delivery, or both.
i. Route Fee: Enter the route fee.
j. Lbs Count: Enter the pounds count.
k. Pickup Count: Enter the pickup count.
l. Quantity Count: Enter the total quantity count.
m. Turnaround Time: Enter the turnaround time.
n. Route Description: Optionally, provide a brief description of the route.Completing the Process: Once all fields are filled, click on “Create” to finish the process.
Verification: After completion, you will see the list updated with the newly added route.