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How Can I view the Rejection Garment List in Business Manager?
How Can I view the Rejection Garment List in Business Manager?

It is essential for monitoring and managing rejected items, ensuring quality control, and addressing any issues promptly.

Written by Support Turnsapp
Updated over a week ago

Viewing the Rejection Garment List in Business Manager:

  • Logging In

Start by logging into the Business Manager with your authorized credentials to gain secure access.

  • Navigating to the Rejection Garment List

From the home screen, select the "Plant" option from the main menu. Then, choose "Rejection Garment List" from the dropdown menu to proceed.

  • Accessing Garment Details

On the Rejection Garment List page, you will find detailed information for each rejected garment, including all relevant attributes and status updates.

  • Viewing Garment Details

On the Rejection Garment List page, you can review comprehensive details for each garment, including key attributes and status updates.

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