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What is Subscriptions? How to Enable it?It provide recurring access to services or products, enhancing customer retention and revenue stability.
How to assign Subscriptions?It ensures accurate customer billing, effective service management, and streamlined operations.
Can I set a minimum of Lbs for the Subscription?Ithelps optimize cost efficiency and resource management, ensuring profitability and reducing operational waste.
What if the Customer doesn’t want to use the Subscription for one particular Order?It provides flexibility and enhances satisfaction by accommodating individual preferences and needs.
How can I Create LBS - based Subscriptions?Leverage location data to tailor subscription offers, enhance customer engagement, and optimize service delivery based on geographic needs.
How can I Create QTY - based Subscriptions?Customize subscriptions based on quantity limits to manage usage, track inventory, and meet customer demand efficiently.
How can I Create Credit - based Subscriptions?Offer flexible plans that utilize credit balances, allowing customers to use credits as payment and manage their usage more effectively.
What is the difference between Lbs and Qty - based Subscriptions?It ensures accurate billing and service management, catering to various laundry needs by charging based on weight or item quantity.
What do Pickup Charge fees mean? What if I want to include the Pickup Charge fees also within the Subscription?It ensures comprehensive billing and accounts for all service costs, enhancing clarity and accuracy in customer billing.